Legal environment of business means all factors relating to laws and legal orders which affect business and its working.
Business must be operated under the rules and regulation of different laws of India. The following is the list of main laws which affect business.
1. Indian contract act 1872
2. Indian sale of goods act 1930
3. Indian partnership act 1932
4. Industrial dispute Act 1947
5. Minimum wages act 1948
6. Indian companies act 1956
7. Foreign exchange regulation act (FERA ) 1973
8. Foreign exchange management act 1999
9. Monopolies and restrictive trade practice act 1969
10. Consumer protection act 1986
11. Indian income tax act 961
12. Central excise act 1944
13. Security exchange board of India act 1992
14. Banking regulation act 1949
15. Chartered accountant act 1949
16. Information technology act 2000
17. competition act 2002
18. right to information act 2005
19. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,2006
20. Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act,2005
If you are interested to read all Indian Federal Legislation , you can also read in Wikipedia .
Business must be operated under the rules and regulation of different laws of India. The following is the list of main laws which affect business.
1. Indian contract act 1872
2. Indian sale of goods act 1930
3. Indian partnership act 1932
4. Industrial dispute Act 1947
5. Minimum wages act 1948
6. Indian companies act 1956
7. Foreign exchange regulation act (FERA ) 1973
8. Foreign exchange management act 1999
9. Monopolies and restrictive trade practice act 1969
10. Consumer protection act 1986
11. Indian income tax act 961
12. Central excise act 1944
13. Security exchange board of India act 1992
14. Banking regulation act 1949
15. Chartered accountant act 1949
16. Information technology act 2000
17. competition act 2002
18. right to information act 2005
19. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,2006
20. Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act,2005
If you are interested to read all Indian Federal Legislation , you can also read in Wikipedia .